According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), breastfeeding remains the gold standard for infant feeding and nutrition. Unfortunately, it isn’t always an easy process. Serving the Miami, Florida, community through telehealth and home visits, Latched’s international board-certified lactation consultant, Annalis de Armas, RN, IBCLC, provides breastfeeding guidance and support to parents. She offers tailored solutions for breastfeeding positions, specific concerns, milk supply issues, weaning, and more. Check your insurance coverage and use the online booking tool to schedule a breastfeeding consultation.
Breastfeeding provides essential nutrients for your baby. Deciding whether to breastfeed is one of the most important decisions you can make for your baby’s well-being and development. It involves feeding your baby with your breast milk, which contains a blend of nutrients tailored to their specific needs.
Breastfeeding offers many benefits for you and your baby, including:
According to the American Pregnancy Association, breastfeeding also helps protect your baby against colds and viruses, ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and Type 2 diabetes.
Breast milk has three distinct stages:
Colostrum, the initial stage of breast milk, is rich in antibodies and nutrients, providing crucial support to your newborn’s immune system. It’s usually yellowish and thick.
Transitional milk follows colostrum and lasts for about two weeks. It includes contains a higher calorie content and more fat than colostrum.
Mature milk is about 90% water and 10% proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, keeping your baby nourished and hydrated.
Latched can help you master the most effective breastfeeding positions for your baby, including:
This position comfortably supports your baby’s head in the crook of your arm while they latch onto your breast for a secure feeding experience.
Lying on your side allows you and your baby to enjoy a relaxed breastfeeding experience, which is particularly beneficial for nighttime feedings.
During this position, you recline comfortably, letting your baby naturally find your breast and initiate a comfortable latch.
Latched can assist you in perfecting the football hold, where your baby is tucked under your arm like a football, providing you with better visibility and control.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends continuing to breastfeed your baby after their first birthday if possible. Once you and your baby decide it’s time to start weaning — moving from breastfeeding to other nourishment sources — Latched can provide personalized advice and resources to ensure a smooth transition.
Call Latched today or use the online booking tool to schedule a telehealth consultation or home visit with an international board-certified lactation consultant.